
If you are considering a career in real estate but aren’t interested in joining a team, but also don’t feel quite ready to take it all on yourself – let’s talk. 

So you're considering a career in real estate

… but maybe you’re not quite sure how to start?

I get it. There’s not exactly an instruction manual for running your own business where you’re supposed to do your own lead gen, sales, marketing, accounting, and so much more. I started my journey down this path 12 years ago and stumbled along the way plenty. It’s a lot!

There are lots of different solutions of course — you can join a team or jump in with both feet and figure it out yourself, but if you’re looking for something in between, that’s where I come in!

I actively mentor new agents that join Bellwether Real Estate to help them get started. I teach you the tricks of the trade I’ve learned over the last 12 years, help you get your systems up and running, and get you comfortable with all of the forms you learned about during your real estate class but haven’t put into practice yet.

If you wanna know more, I’m always happy to talk any and all things real estate. Fill out the form on my contact page, or give me a call to talk.